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July 2019

Pastor Conrad

Can you believe that it is July, 2019 already?! At a recent event at our church some of the young people were there from sister churches in our area. I had not seen some of them for several months. Needless to say they had grown and I had a hard time recognizing them. I guess you don’t have to throw the clock out the window to see time fly. I’ve come to realize why time goes so much faster than it used to; it’s because as I get older I go so much slower.

On a much more serious note, time is passing and sooner or later God says in the book of Revelation, “that there should be time no longer:” So every one of us has a “deadline” to meet. At that “deadline” we will have to answer to God who created us.

The requirements at that meeting will, first of all, be that we have the righteousness of Jesus Christ that He offers by faith in the blood that He shed for our sins on the cross of Calvary. Another thing that will affect our rewards at that judgment will be our obedience to the God’s Word, including our telling others about the wonderful gift of eternal life available to them by faith in Jesus Christ.

We have several opportunities to do that in the month of July. Every Tuesday evening we have permits for public meetings in King’s Square, where we sing and preach and pass out tracts and witness to others about the Lord Jesus Christ. We also have a Bible school for children and their families July 3rd through the 5th.

So little time! The harvest will be over. Our reaping done, we reapers taken Home. Report our work to Jesus, Lord of harvest, And hope He'll smile and that He'll say, "Well done!" How many times I should have strongly pleaded; How often did I feel to strictly warn. The Spirit moved, oh had I pled for Jesus! The grain is fallen, lost ones not reborn. Today we reap, or miss our golden harvest! Today is given us lost souls to win. Oh then to save some dear ones from the burning. Today we'll go to bring some sinner in.

Are you ready for the “deadline”?

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