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Keeping Your Love Alive

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. (Mat 24:12)

Every age of human existence has its prevailing characteristics. The prevailing condition of the world during the dark ages was ignorance. During the industrial age was invention. The technological age was characterized by intelligence. Jesus Christ says here that the prevailing condition of the human race during the End of the Ages is love gown cold. We can see that happening now. One of the main reasons love is growing cold is that many people are becoming more self-centered and narcissistic. This used to be called a personality disorder. If you study the definition and description you will see that lately it is becoming the more common attitude of people toward themselves.

I understand that Jesus Christ is speaking to His disciples here about the prevailing condition of people at end of the world, but being made in the image of God, we must follow His example to keep our love for God and for each other from growing cold and lifeless.

We as humans think of love as something that is given and received and if our love isn’t returned then our love dwindles and dies. Is it any wonder why men and women don’t trust Jesus Christ?

They think of God’s love in the same terms as human love; But God isn’t human. He doesn’t love us because we love Him. His love is, and always has been unconditional! Please read John chapter three and Romans chapter five.

God constantly reminds us in His Word that he loves us regardless of whether that love is returned. Is your love that unselfish? God supplies our every need and gives us the desires of our heart. Is your love that caring? God gave that which was most dear to Him, His only begotten Son. Is your love that giving?

Do you remember how it was when you first began to love your spouse or your children? That’s what God told the church at Ephesus when they had lost their first love.

Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. (Rev 2:5)

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